Wad Manager Wii 4.3u Download

Multi-Mod Manager will load-Select Wad Manager -Press A-Press 1, -Press A -Install all Wads-IOS58 and IOS61 will install-Press 'any button'-Press 2- load 'App Manager'-Select hackmiiinstallerv0.8 -Press A Hackmii Installer Loads For versions 3.4 (Hack without game disk) 1. WiiMod Lite is a better version of WiiMod with Wii and vWii support that can install WADs, change regions, and more. This tool was made by Kkline38 but there's more credits in this program.

Wad Manager Wii 4.3u Download
Backup Launchers‎ > ‎Disc Loaders‎ > ‎


Installing DARKCORP is currently not recommended due to brick potential.
We highly recommend to use USB loaders (or even Disc based loaders) instead.

DARKCORP (previously known as cIOSCORP) is an application that allows you to play backups from the disc channel, without a modchip. Note that the games will still run at 3x speed instead of 6x (originals).
The theory behind DARKCORP is quite simple: If you want to run a backup, you need a cIOS to do so. So basically, all what DARKCORP does is to replace most of your IOS by cIOS. So, whatever cIOS the game needs, it will always be there!

The steps below are dangerous to do and can permanently brick your Wii. Be sure that you fully understand what you are doing!



  • An SD card (Best results are with non-SDHC cards, SDHC will only work on 4.0 or above) or USB device formatted to FAT(32).
  • A cIOS Installed

We cannot provide you with direct links to the needed files for DARKCORP v1.1 Full (aka. cIOSCORP 4.0) as the pack contains illegal files.
You can mail the auto-responding bot at darkcorp@thewebpost.net to get the download links for the full version.
Here's the link to the DARKCORP v1.0 Lite (no wads or extras, but legal):
IOS56 and IOS58 are only available in the Full version (not the Lite version).
Extras (only available in the Full version):
cmios (WiiGator)= mios v4 with WiiGator's GC Backup Launcher 0.2 embedded into it.
cmios (Waninkoko)= Waninkoko's cmios rev5, but uses mios v4 as a base, instead of mios v5.
DVDX Fix = 2 DVDX wads (titles DVDX and DISC) that run under cIOS249 in case DVDX stops working afterwards.
  • You can run backups from the disc channel.

  • HIGH - Brick protection required


Computer ----------------------
1. Not much to do here... just extract the DARKCORP things to make em usable by the HBC.
Wii ----------------------
2. Go to the Homebrew channel and run the DARKCORP installer. Once its done, it will return to the HBC...
3. If you want, you can run the other two included installers too. These will give you GC Backup launching (from disc channel) and DVDx (if you don't have it yet).

On a Wii up to 4.1 What you need:

Wad Manager Wii 4.3u Download
  • SD card (1gb is good enough)
  • Latest version of Wad Manager (mirror) (current version 1.3)
  • Wiiware/VC Games in the form of .wad files

How to:

Wad Manager Wii 4.3u Downloadnload

  1. Download a Wad Manager (or use link above) and put it in the “apps” (no quotes) folder in the ROOT of your SD card.
  2. Once you download a .wad file of your choice, make a “WAD” (all caps no quotes) folder in the ROOT of your SD Card and put your downloaded .wad files there.
  3. Turn on your Wii and run the Hombrew Channel.
  4. Load Wad Manager and choose SD Card and install the .wad file that you want.
  5. Once it is finished installing go back to the Wii Menu and your .wad should be added as a channel like you would’ve bought the game.

This is ideal because if you are still using Wii64 emulator you can use this method and the loading times are as fast as a bought VC game. Enjoy .

Download Wad Manager Wii 4.3 U

On a 4.2+ Wii

First softmod your Wii.
Softmod for 4.2: Here
Softmod for 4.3: Here

Wad Manager Wiibrew

Wad manager wii 4.3u download pc

Wad Installer

Video Tutorial (all versions)