/SAPCAR/sapcar -xvf /70SWPMJDS.SAR Note Make sure that all users have read permissions for the directory where you want to unpack the installer. How To Install Sapcar On Windows. In case you want to run the unicode version of SAPCAR the shared library libsapu16. Is needed (where 'lib ext' is one of 'dll', 'so', 'sl' or 'o'). How To Install Sapcar On Aix. Make sure that this library resides in the search path of the program loader of your operating system.
in SLES SAP Applications
Hi Experts,
I am new to this SLSE. I am using SLES 11 sp4.
I have downloaded SAPCAR latest and also downlaoded SWPMxxxxxx.sar file from SAP support portal.
I have created VM and have installed SLSE 11 sp4 in Windows 64 box using VMplayer 15.
As per the SAP instllation guide, I have copied to temporary directory and tried unzip using this SAPCAR but it is giving me error like below.
Steps I followed is:
1. Logged in as root
2. renamed this file as per the sap guide: mv SAPCAR.EXE SAPCAR
SAPECC:/saptmp # SAPCAR -xvf SWPM10SP27.SAR
bash: ./sapcar: cannot execute binary file
SAPECC:/saptmp # ls -lrt
total 527340
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4574560 Oct 13 02:30 sapcar
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 534877034 Oct 13 03:51 SWPM10SP27.SAR
I am getting this error and I have tried to execute with extension .exe and without extension, in both the cases i am getting the same issue.
bash: ./sapcar: cannot execute binary file
I have checked my SAPCAR I have downloaded is linux belongs to X86 64 bit.
Something is missing in my OS setup since I have created VM?
Experts can help me how to resolve this.
I am new to this SLSE. I am using SLES 11 sp4.
I have downloaded SAPCAR latest and also downlaoded SWPMxxxxxx.sar file from SAP support portal.
I have created VM and have installed SLSE 11 sp4 in Windows 64 box using VMplayer 15.
As per the SAP instllation guide, I have copied to temporary directory and tried unzip using this SAPCAR but it is giving me error like below.
Steps I followed is:
1. Logged in as root
2. renamed this file as per the sap guide: mv SAPCAR.EXE SAPCAR
SAPECC:/saptmp # SAPCAR -xvf SWPM10SP27.SAR
bash: ./sapcar: cannot execute binary file
SAPECC:/saptmp # ls -lrt
total 527340
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4574560 Oct 13 02:30 sapcar
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 534877034 Oct 13 03:51 SWPM10SP27.SAR
I am getting this error and I have tried to execute with extension .exe and without extension, in both the cases i am getting the same issue.
bash: ./sapcar: cannot execute binary file
I have checked my SAPCAR I have downloaded is linux belongs to X86 64 bit.
Something is missing in my OS setup since I have created VM?
Experts can help me how to resolve this.
Sapcar Windows 10
Sapcar Windows Xp
- Please note that I have changed sapcar to small letters as well.
- Hi Experts,
I am new to this SLSE. I am using SLES 11 sp4.
I have downloaded SAPCAR latest and also downlaoded SWPMxxxxxx.sar file from SAP support portal.
I have created VM and have installed SLSE 11 sp4 in Windows 64 box using VMplayer 15.
As per the SAP instllation guide, I have copied to temporary directory and tried unzip using this SAPCAR but it is giving me error like below.
Steps I followed is:
1. Logged in as root
2. renamed this file as per the sap guide: mv SAPCAR.EXE SAPCAR
SAPECC:/saptmp # SAPCAR -xvf SWPM10SP27.SAR
bash: ./sapcar: cannot execute binary file
SAPECC:/saptmp # ls -lrt
total 527340
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4574560 Oct 13 02:30 sapcar
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 534877034 Oct 13 03:51 SWPM10SP27.SAR
I am getting this error and I have tried to execute with extension .exe and without extension, in both the cases i am getting the same issue.
bash: ./sapcar: cannot execute binary file
I have checked my SAPCAR I have downloaded is linux belongs to X86 64 bit.
Something is missing in my OS setup since I have created VM?
Experts can help me how to resolve this.
Try with full path like this: - Hi strahil,
I have found the root cause for this. I had installed Suse 11 sp4 of I586 (supports 32 bit) where as I am trying to uncar files for X86 64 bit.
Hence forth, binary files compiled for X86 64 bit doesn't work in 32 bit which was basic issue where I overlooked.