With the Unofficial 1.3 patch, players first of all can play Battlefront II with a complete set of visual upgrades, just as seen in the 1.2 patch. Included is an easy means of changing from the new (visually upgraded) sides back to the original sides, as well as a means of. May 04, 2020 Previously Known As 'The Conversion Project' The goal of Star Wars Battlefront II Demake is use assets made FROM THE GROUND UP (and from Pandemic Battlefront II 2005) to recreate EA'S Battlefront II 2017 In The old Star Wars Battlefront 2 2005! JOIN THE DISCORD: Discord.gg THIS MOD IS IN VERY EARLY ALPHA.
Top 10 Contents[]
- Best Star Wars Battlefront 2 Mods
The second part of the Battlefront series revolves around the 'forces of evil.' As in, the Galactic Empire and its fate after the destruction of the second Death Star. The main hero is an unknown veteran clone trooper. The game embraces all aspects of the movies and features them front and center. You can choose to fight on Naboo in the era of the Clone Wars and take control of the droids of the Trade Federation. But if the basic plot becomes too boring, you can make the game even more exciting by installing some Battlefront 2 mods. The modding process is easy and can make the game shine with new colors. Where else would you be able to encounter major characters from this from this franchise if not for those Star Wars battlefront 2 mods we’re about to list? So, get ready to open a whole new world of battlefront to Goodness. Oh, and tell us what’s your favorite mod.
Star Wars Battlefront Conversion Pack
The best Battlefront 2 mods are capable of providing excitement, that’s for sure. As is evident from the title, this is a total conversion of the entire game. This mod lets you play in the New Era and The Old Republic during Mandalorian Wars. It includes additional heroes as well as new weaponry, equipment, and game modes.
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Ultimate Battlefront: The Clone Wars
This ultimate pack is one of the most massive SWBF2 mods – it takes up 30 gigs of space when fully installed! It may take a while to download, but it is well worth it. It gives access to ten new eras, lots of gameplay additions, custom modes, and over a hundred new maps.
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Battlefront: Evolved
If you care about how the game looks, Evolved Star Wars Battlefront 2 mods will improve the visual quality of the game immensely. Graphical enhancements, fidelity of heroes, equipment, and surroundings are phenomenal. All these improvements make the game feel a lot more immersive.
I want this because the visual quality isn't really very good
Tactical Enhanced Combat Mod
One of the Best Battlefront 2 mods for gamers who like their battles being a bit more tactical. If you need a challenge, Tactical Enhanced Mod is the perfect choice. Running and gunning becomes more challenging. Rebel fighters have improved armor, but their movement is less nimble. In short, confrontations will become more exciting.
Moddb Battlefront 2 2005
Dark Times II: Rising Son
Dark Times II is one of the most well-designed SWBF2 mods. Explore 16 brand-new maps such as Raxus Prime, Taris, Nar-Shaddaa and many others. New means of combat added to Space Assault make the battles far more dramatic. You will also like redesigned lightsaber combat system which is now available in both light and heavy modes.
Battlefront Extreme
Extreme Star Wars Battlefront 2 mods are considered to be quite elaborate and for a good reason. It offers extra game modes which are slightly altered from the old ones, but it’s enough for a new experience. It is worth noting that in the latest version of Extreme you can play in a new, separate era of the franchise. On top of that, several new maps and classes got updated.
Star Wars Battlefront 2015 Mods
With the aptly named mod “+123” you will be able to unlock the full potential of the game. Every game mode is available from the get-go on vanilla maps. You can try playing on Hoth and participate in a wampa assault on Echo Base. One of the few Battlefront 2 mods that give you an excellent opportunity to mix new modes with standard maps.
Mass Effect: Unification
If you enjoy Mass Effect and Star Wars, this mod will scratch this particular itch. With new characters, updated backgrounds, and the iconic Jack Wall soundtrack, these Star Wars Battlefront 2 mods are the crossover you’ve been waiting for. See the updated Tantive IV for yourself, which now looks like a crashed ship that's on fire, and discover countless other changes.
Spira: Besaid
Have you thought about playing in the world of Final Fantasy X? Check out the Spira: Besaid, one of the best Battlefront 2 mods. You will get multiple new sidequests, interactive puzzles (that’s right, it’s not just about battles), and a save system. It is an excellent example of how much can change with a single unusual idea.
Aquilaris: Deep Sea
Aquilaris is a fascinating story contained within one map, making this addition one of the most engaging and adventurous Battlefront 2 Mods. Discover the mysterious underwater location and its deep blue depths with a new submarine vehicle. Find clues about the secret Imperial project. You'll definitely enjoy the interwoven plotline; we know we did.
- UnOfficial v1.3 Patch [RDH]Zerted http://gametoast.com/viewto...
- Conversion Pack GT/TAW Clans http://www.moddb.com/mods/s...
- Battlefront Extreme ARC_Commander http://gametoast.com/viewto...
- Republic Commando Anakin http://www.moddb.com/mods/s...
- The Dark Times Maveritchell http://www.moddb.com/mods/t...
- Ultimate Battlefront: The Clone Wars Xavious http://www.moddb.com/mods/u...
- The Old Republic Delta-1035 http://gametoast.com/viewto...
- DEV's Side Mod Deviss http://www.gamefront.com/fi...
- New Galactic Conquests Jaspo http://gametoast.com/viewto...
- Battlefront: Evolved Frayed Wires Studios http://www.moddb.com/mods/b...
- Pax Empiricae IndianaJoe & Impspy ---
- The Sith Wars Kingpin http://gametoast.com/viewto...
- Empire Rising TWINKEYRUNAWAY http://gametoast.com/viewto...
- The Exile's Voyage AQT http://www.gamefront.com/fi...
- Battlefront Zer0 MandeRek http://gametoast.com/viewfo...
- Rise of the Empire PR-0927 http://www.moddb.com/mods/r...
- M4's BF1 Conversion Pack Marvel4 http://gametoast.com/viewto...
- Tsunami Mod thelegend http://gametoast.com/viewto...
- Various Mos Eisley Maps thelegend http://gametoast.com/viewto...
- Rebel Assault Delta-1035 http://gametoast.com/viewto...
- ggctuk https://facepunch.com/showt...
- Hide and Seek Noobasaurus http://gametoast.com/viewto...
- Zombies Mode razac920 http://gametoast.com/viewto...
- Deathmatch Mode http://gametoast.com/viewto...
- Republic Heroes THEWULFMAN http://www.moddb.com/mods/b...
- New Conflict CalvaryCptMike http://gametoast.com/viewto...
- The Force Awakens Delta-1035 http://gametoast.com/viewto...
- Red vs Blue AQT http://gametoast.com/viewto...
- Capital Down DarthDaddy http://www.gamefront.com/fi...
- Kashyyyk: Clone Wars Warlord28 http://www.gamefront.com/fi...
- Hoth: Imperial Offensive Bantha55 http://www.gamewatcher.com/...
- Geonosis: Canyon a_speck_of_dust http://www.gamefront.com/fi...
- Veriss EraOfDesann http://www.gamefront.com/fi...
- Nar Shaddaa: Vertical City Sereja http://www.swbfgamers.com/i...
- Naboo: Otoh Gunga Sereja http://www.swbfgamers.com/i...
- Umbara: Shadow Forest Sereja http://www.swbfgamers.com/i...
- Abraxas Platform Maveritchell http://www.gamefront.com/fi...
- Alderaan: Treefall Crinn http://www.moddb.com/mods/t...
- Aquilaris: Deep Sea Maveritchell http://www.gamefront.com/fi...
- Battle Over Coruscant Arcane Penguin http://www.gamefront.com/fi...
- Bespin: Escape Jendo http://www.moddb.com/games/...
- Corellia: Hidden Valley bobfinkl http://www.gamefront.com/fi...
- Coruscant: Modern Warfare thelegend http://gametoast.com/viewto...
- Palpatine's Office RepSharpshooter http://www.gamefront.com/fi...
- Coruscant: Skyline yuke5 http://gametoast.com/viewto...
- Dagobah: Dominator CommanderFett http://www.gamefront.com/fi...
- Dathomir TK432 http://www.gamefront.com/fi...
- Death Star II: Emperor's Throne Room Maveritchell http://gametoast.com/viewto...
- Death Watch Bunker AQT http://gametoast.com/viewto...
- Dobido: Deep Crater Jaspo http://www.gamefront.com/fi...
- Exogorth CommanderCody http://gametoast.com/viewto...
- Galidraan bobfinkl http://gametoast.com/viewto...
- Geonosis: Freight Dock Locutus_MentorOfDormin http://www.gamefront.com/fi...
- Geonosis: The Frontline Cody_LG http://www.gamefront.com/fi...
- Gylesh: Seabed Xavious http://gametoast.com/viewto...
- Imperial Base Delinquent http://www.gamefront.com/fi...
- Kashyyyk: Jungle Outpost yuke5 http://gametoast.com/viewto...
- Kashyyyk: Swamp a_speck_of_dust http://www.gamewatcher.com/...
- Kothlis: Sea Haven GAB http://gametoast.com/viewto...
- Beach Troopers Maveritchell http://gametoast.com/viewto...
- Lotashi Z: X Province a_speck_of_dust http://gametoast.com/viewto...
- Manaan: Murky Depths Astute http://www.gamefront.com/fi...
- Mon Calamari Galactic_Marine http://gametoast.com/viewto...
- Mos Eisley Spaceport Rends http://www.gamefront.com/fi...
- Mygeeto: Clone Wars YankFan & a_speck_of_dust http://www.gamefront.com/fi...
- Naboo: Ruins YaNkFaN http://gametoast.com/viewto...
- Naboo: Theed Hangar Koolaid7g http://www.gamefront.com/fi...
- Nal Hutta: Slum EraOfDesann http://gametoast.com/viewto...
- Nar Shaddaa: Eon City RED51 http://www.gamefront.com/fi...
- Nelvaan: Village squipple http://www.gametoast.com/vi...
- Pharosis a_speck_of_dust http://www.gamefront.com/fi...
- Polus: Venator Commander_Fett http://www.gamefront.com/fi...
- RAS Prosecutor: Hangars AQT http://gametoast.com/viewto...
- Ralltiir: Swoop Circuit Maveritchell http://www.gamefront.com/fi...
- Saleucami: Valley Shizo & GuitarMan http://www.gamefront.com/fi...
- Spacefall razac920 http://gametoast.com/viewto...
- Sraiden: Ash Forest Sky_216 http://www.gamefront.com/fi...
- Suun Ra: Desert City JazzMaster http://www.moddb.com/games/...
- Talus: Hillside TK432 http://gametoast.com/viewto...
- Taris: Streets --- http://www.gamefront.com/fi...
- Tatooine: Dusk of War Executer94 http://www.gamefront.com/fi...
- Tatooine: Outpost Jendo7 http://gametoast.com/viewto...
- Tatooine: Tuskencamp Pinguin/Aman http://www.gamefront.com/fi...
- Torvik: Sunken City --- http://www.gamefront.com/fi...
- Vendaxa: Forgotten Forest theultimat http://www.gamefront.com/fi...
- Verena Defence: Immortal EraOfDesann http://www.gamefront.com/fi...
- Yavin 4: Dense Forest a_speck_of_dust http://www.gamewatcher.com/...